


VERBUND is Austria's leading electricity company and one of the largest producers of electricity from hydropower in Europe. VERBUND generates rnd 96% of its electricity from hydropower, supplemented by wind and solar power. VERBUND covers all sectors of energy supply – from the production and transportation of electricity right through international sales and marketing. Since 1988, VERBUND has been listed on the stock exchange; 51 % of the share capital is owned by the Republic of Austria. The main markets are Austria and Germany; in the long term, VERBUND also sees opportunities in the south eastern European countries. VERBUND contributes to H2FUTURE by bringing in expertise in use case detailing and business plan development, definition of requirements and dispatch optimisation for energy markets and trading services, as well as engineering, commissioning and operation of large scale energy plants.




voestalpine with its top-quality products and system solutions using steel and other metals, is one of the leading partners to the automotive and consumer goods industries in Europe and to the oil and gas industries worldwide. The voestalpine Group is also the world market leader in turnout technology, special rails, tool steel, and special sections. The H2FUTURE PEM electrolysis pilot plant will be built and operated on voestalpine Linz site. The green hydrogen generated will be fed directly into the internal gas network, allowing the testing of the use of hydrogen in various process stages of steel production. This project is a further step towards the long-term realization of the technology transformation in the steel industry.




Siemens Energy is a global powerhouse focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization. One of the world’s largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies, Siemens Energy is a leading supplier of systems for power generation and transmission as well as medical diagnosis. In infrastructure and industry solutions the company plays a pioneering role. Within the H2Future project, Siemens Energy supplies among others a brand new hydrogen electrolyser product – the technological core component of the new hydrogen production plant.




Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) is Austria's transmission grid operator. With a team of 450 specialists, APG ensures that Austria is supplied with the vital product electricity 24 hours a day on 365 days of the year. As a precondition, APG’s main task is to keep balance between generation and consumption at all times in order to guarantee a stable grid frequency. Deviations from this balance, which could be caused by outages of power plants, failures or unexpected changes in production or consumption, permanently have to be compensated through the activation of control reserves acquired by APG. In order to gain experience with new technologies that may actively participate in the market for control reserves, APG will work on the prequalification of the electrolyser.




K1-MET is a competence center for Excellent Technologies and Advanced Metallurgical and Environmental Process Development with the key players in the metallurgical industry and science as its partners. K1-MET will investigate steelmaking processes where hydrogen can substitute carbon or carbon based energy, including rollout scenarios which describe quantitatively the technical and economic conditions under which the electrolyser system becomes a viable solution for the steel industry when compared to competing solutions.




ECN part of TNO is an independent research institute and an international leader on sustainable energy research and development. The main amition of ECN part of TNO is to accelertate the energy transition together with knowledge institutions, companies and governments by conducting applied technological and policy research to find solutions to meet societal needs for energy services in a safe, efficient and clean way.

In order to meet the climate targets of Paris, it is necessary to accelerate the energy transition. The challenge is to reduce CO2 emissions by phasing in sustainable energy and gradually phasing out fossil energy while keeping the energy supply secure, available and affordable. Energy saving is also an important tool. The energy transition requires major technical and social shifts in all sectors of the economy, among the authorities and citizens.

For the transition to energy management free of CO2 emissions, innovations are needed from technical, social and policy perspectives.
